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Biennial Meeting of the CPC Learning Network


Eastern & Southern Africa
West & Central Africa
East Asia & Pacific
Latin America & Caribbean
Burkina Faso
United States
Child Development
Community & Family-Level Interventions

Evolving Methods for an Expanding Field: Global Research with Children and Families in Adversity

Objectives: This meeting will produce the following outcomes among CPC Learning Network partners and affiliated individuals and organizations:

  • Innovative research on international child protection and family welfare will be presented with the opportunity for reflections on navigating the path forward in this field.
  • We seek to collectively identify key knowledge gaps that would prove to be fertile ground for future learning and discuss ways of collaborating into the future to continue to fill these knowledge gaps.
  • The gathering will provide a forum for both sharing the most up-to-date research on international child protection and family welfare and reflecting collectively on navigating potential paths forward in our field

Participants: The gathering will bring together representatives of the CPC Learning Network’s secretariat, advisory board, Program Learning Groups (PLGs), and task force leaders as well as representatives of affiliated institutions, organizations, individuals, and networks.

If you are unable to join us in person, we are pleased to announce that most of the sessions will be live streamed for our global partners to watch from wherever they are in the world!


A Decade of Learning: Evolving Methods for an Expanding Field

  • Opening Remarks Linda Fried, Dean of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and Neil Boothby, Founding Director of CPC Learning Network
  • Grounded Learning: Updates from our Partners, conversation moderated by Alina Potts
  • AfriChild Implementation Update – Joyce Wanican, Executive Director of the AfriChild Centre of Excellence for the Study of the African Child
  • From Knowledge to Policy and PracticeSanti Kusumaningrum, Co-Director of Pusat Kajian Perlindungan Anak (PUSKAPA), Center on Child Protection, University of Indonesia
  • Presentation of the Burkina Faso’s Program Learning Group – Algassimou Diallo, Program Learning Group Coordinator, Burkina Faso
  • Ana María Rodriguez, UNICEF Education Specialist, Colombia
  • Helping Methods Keep Pace with Global Realities – Mark Canavera, Associate Director, CPC Learning Network

The Latest Learning About Preventing and Reducing Violence

Moderator: Rebecca Gordon, Senior Program Advisor, Together for Girls

  • The Multi-Country Study on the Drivers of Violence Affecting Children: Using Data to Drive Change – Alina Potts, Research and Evaluation Specialist – Child Protection, UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti
  • Landscaping Violence Prevention and Reduction A.K. Shiva Kumar, Global Co-Chair, Know Violence in Childhood
  • Violence Against Children Survey (VACS): Providing Knowledge to Protect Children in Uganda – George Aluzimbi, CDC Uganda
  • Transforming Households: Reducing Incidence of Violence in Emergencies (THRIVE) – Beth Rubenstein, Senior Research Associate, CPC Learning Network, and Mendy Marsh, Specialist, Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies, UNICEF

New Learning about Protecting and Caring for Children in Humanitarian and Refugee Settings
Moderator: Dale Buscher, Senior Program Director, Women’s Refugee Commission

  • Adapting to Learn, Learning to Adapt: Key Considerations for Child Protection System Strengthening in Emergencies – Pia Vraalsen, Associate, Child Frontiers on behalf of the Systems Strengthening and Disaster Risk Reduction Task Force of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
  • Exploring Family Spaces: Place-Based Research Methods with Children and Families – Bree Akesson, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Developing a Child Protection Systems Index in Refugee Settings: Learning from Uganda and Rwanda – Sabrina Hermosilla, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Columbia University Medical Center

Parallel Sessions: Working with Adolescent Girls and Young Women

Moderator: Mendy Marsh, Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies, UNICEF

  • Violence Against Adolescent Girls in Conflict-Affected Settings: Findings from the COMPASS Baselines – Kathryn Falb, Technical Research Advisor at the International Rescue Committee
  • Ascertaining Sexual Relationship Types (ASERT) – Evolving Methods for an Expanding Field: Global Research with Children and Families in Adversity – Kelly Hallman, Senior Associate, Population Council
  • Discussant: Martha Bragin, Chair, Global Social Work and Practice with Immigrants and Refugees Silverman School of Social Work, City University of New York

Measuring the Quality of Early Childhood Development Services: Findings from Colombia
Moderator: Helena Duch, Professor, Department of Population and Family Health, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

  • Measuring Quality in Comprehensive ECD Services in Colombia – Hiro Yoshikawa, Courtney Sale Ross University Professor of Globalization and Education at NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development, Lynn Kagan, Virginia and Leonard Marx Professor of Early Childhood and Family Policy at Columbia Teachers College, Co-Director, NCCF, and Ana María Rodriguez, UNICEF Education Specialist, Colombia
  • A Group-Based Psychotherapy to Protect Early Childhood in the Context of Violence and Displacement in ColombiaArturo Harker Roa, Professor at Escuela de Gobierno Alberto Lleras Camargo, Universidad de los Andes

Community-Based and Community-Driven Efforts: Strengths-Based Approaches to Building upon Local Knowledge

Moderator: Bill Forbes, Director of Child Protection for World Vision International

  • A New Method for Estimating the Prevalence of Attacks on Education– Somalia and DRC – Lina Rojas and Neil Boothby, Program on Forced Migration and Health, Columbia University
  • Measuring Separation in Emergencies: Community-Based Surveillance – Craig Spencer, CPC Learning Network Senior Research Associate
  • Resilient Household Initiative: How Ugandan Parents Protect their Children and Promote their Well-Being – Joyce Wanican and Neil Boothby

Strengthening Data Systems to Measure Population-Level Impacts
Moderator: Hani Mansourian, CPC Research Associate

  • Back to What Counts: Birth and Death in Indonesia – Santi Kusumanigrum, Co-Director of Pusat Kajian Perlindungan Anak (PUSKAPA), Center on Child Protection, University of Indonesia
  • Distilling Child Protection Indicators within National Surveys in Burkina Faso: étude sur l’harmonisation des indicateurs et des mécanismes de collecte des données sur la protection et la promotion des droits de l’enfant au Burkina Faso – Alain Ouédraogo, President of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Burkina Faso
  • Establishing Methods to Estimate the Number and Characteristics of Children Outside of Households: Results and Lessons Learned from Cambodia – Beth Rubenstein, Senior Research Associate, CPC Learning Network, and Rick Rinehart, Senior Program Officer, Global Alliance for Children
  • Discussant: Florence Martin, Director, Better Care Network

Parallel Sessions: New learning on livelihoods and child well-being outcomes

Moderator: Josh Chaffin, Coordinator, Livelihoods and Economic Strengthening Task Force

  • Testing an Integrated Intervention to Promote Child Protection and Well Being Among Ultra-Poor Families in Burkina Faso – Leyla Ismayilova, Assistant Professor, The University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration and Jo Sanson, Director, Monitoring, Evaluation and Research at Trickle Up
  • Educational Impacts of CCT Programs in Developing Countries: A Meta-Analysis – Sandra Garcia, Universidad de los Andes
  • Equity in Adherance to Antiretroviral Therapy Among Economically-Vulnerable Adolescents Living with HIV in Uganda – Laura Gauer Bermudez, International Center on Child Health and Asset Development (ICHAD), Columbia University School of Social Work
  • Interagency Global Reintegration Guidelines – Kate Riordan, Family for Every Child

A Country in Focus: Indonesia
Moderator: Santi Kusumaningrum, Co-Director of Pusat Kajian Perlindungan Anak (PUSKAPA), Center on Child Protection, University of Indonesia

  • A Country Focus: Poverty Reduction in Indonesia – Vivi Yulaswati, Director for Population and Social Protection, Ministry of Planning

Investing in Children
Gillian Huebner: “Beyond Survival”

  • Neil Boothby, Founding Director, CPC Learning Network
  • Fassil Mariam, Fund Director for the East Africa Children’s Fund
  • Sarah Stevenson, COO for the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children
  • Jennifer Groves, Child Protection Advisor/ Global Health Fellow, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)
Child Development
Community & Family-Level Interventions
Presentation Slides
AfriChild Implementation Update – Joyce Wanican

Presentation Slides
From Knowledge to Policy and Practice – Santi Kusumaningrum

Presentation Slides
Presentation of the Burkina Faso’s Program Learning Group

Presentation Slides
Helping Methods Keep Pace with Global Realities

Presentation Slides
The Multi-Country Study on the Drivers of Violence Affecting Children: Using Data to Drive Change – Alina Potts

Presentation Slides
Violence Against Children Survey (VACS): Providing Knowledge to Protect Children in Uganda

Presentation Slides
Transforming Households: Reducing Incidence of Violence in Emergencies (THRIVE) – Beth Rubenstein

Presentation Slides
Adapting to Learn, Learning to Adapt: Key Considerations for Child Protection System Strengthening in Emergencies

Presentation Slides
Exploring Family Spaces: Place-Based Research Methods with Children and Families

Presentation Slides
Developing a Child Protection Systems Index in Refugee Settings: Learning from Uganda and Rwanda

Presentation Slides
Violence Against Adolescent Girls in Conflict-Affected Settings: Findings from the COMPASS Baselines

Presentation Slides
Ascertaining Sexual Relationship Types (ASERT) – Evolving Methods for an Expanding Field

Presentation Slides
Measuring Quality in Comprehensive ECD Services in Colombia

Presentation Slides
A Group-Based Psychotherapy to Protect Early Childhood in the Context of Violence and Displacement in Colombia

Presentation Slides
A New Method for Estimating the Prevalence of Attacks on Education– Somalia and DRC

Presentation Slides
Resilient Household Initiative: How Ugandan Parents Protect their Children and Promote their Well-Being

Presentation Slides
Measuring Separation in Emergencies: Community-Based Surveillance – Craig Spencer,

Presentation Slides
étude sur l’harmonisation des indicateurs et des mécanismes...Burkina Faso

French Presentation Slides

Presentation Slides
Establishing Methods to Estimate the Number and Characteristics of Children Outside of Households

Presentation Slides
Testing an Integrated Intervention to Promote Child Protection and Well Being

Presentation Slides
Educational Impacts of CCT Programs in Developing Countries: A Meta-Analysis

Presentation Slides
Equity in Adherance to Antiretroviral Therapy Among Economically

Presentation Slides
A Country Focus: Poverty Reduction in Indonesia

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